Download OpenAPI specification:Download
API voor
Elke request moet een api-key via de header ontvangen. Een api key kan bij de klantenservice van Boekwinkeltjes worden aangevraagd.
header : api-key
Retrieve all orders
page | number >= 0 Example: page=1 Page number |
query | string Search query |
sort | string Example: sort=+title Sorting |
status | string Filter the orders on status |
{- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "date": "2021-12-31 12:12:12",
- "status": "new_order",
- "idealPaymentStatus": "paid",
- "book": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "22-05-2023",
}, - "buyer": {
- "firstName": "Henk",
- "lastName": "de Vries",
- "phone": "+31610555555",
- "language": "en_GB",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "date": "2021-12-31 12:12:12",
- "status": "new_order",
- "idealPaymentStatus": "paid",
- "book": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
}, - "buyer": {
- "firstName": "Henk",
- "lastName": "de Vries",
- "phone": "+31610555555",
- "language": "en_GB",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
Get single order
orderId required | string |
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "date": "2021-12-31 12:12:12",
- "status": "new_order",
- "idealPaymentStatus": "paid",
- "book": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
}, - "buyer": {
- "firstName": "Henk",
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- "phone": "+31610555555",
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- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
Patch single order
orderId required | string |
status | string Enum: "new_order" "wait_for_customer" "wait_for_payment" "wait_for_shipping" "wait_for_pickup" "shipped_wait_for_payment" "shipped_paid" "picked_up_paid" "sold_or_unavailable" "no_response" |
idealPaymentStatus | string Enum: "paid" "open" |
object (Book) Book model | |
object (Buyer) Buyer model |
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- "book": {
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- "location": "bw-doos 5",
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- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
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- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
}, - "buyer": {
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- "lastName": "de Vries",
- "phone": "+31610555555",
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- "number": "12",
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- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
{- "status": 200,
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- "id": 1,
- "date": "2021-12-31 12:12:12",
- "status": "new_order",
- "idealPaymentStatus": "paid",
- "book": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
}, - "buyer": {
- "firstName": "Henk",
- "lastName": "de Vries",
- "phone": "+31610555555",
- "language": "en_GB",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
Get all books
page | number >= 0 Example: page=1 Page number |
query | string Search query |
location | string Book location attribute |
for-sale-since-type | integer Enum: 0 1 2 0 = before, 1 = after, 2 = on |
for-sale-since | string <date> Date |
status | integer Enum: 0 1 2 0 = all, 1 = available, 2 = sold |
language | string = 2 characters Example: language=NL Country code |
image | string Enum: "0" "1" "2" 0 = all, 1 = without image, 2 = with image |
price-from | number from price |
price-to | string to price |
{- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
Add new book
Add book response body
bookNumber | integer |
location | string |
amount | integer |
category1 | string Enum: "overig diverse" "detectives" "geschiedenis" "hobby" "kinderboeken" "literatuur" "literaire thriller" "psychologische thriller" "kunst" "romans" "jeugdroman" "science fiction fantasy" "strips" "studieboeken" "topografie" "toneel" |
category2 | string |
category3 | string |
language | string |
author | string |
title | string |
publisher | string |
ean | number |
shortDescription | string |
longDescription | string |
price | number <float> [ 0 .. 99999 ] |
shippingCost | number <float> [ -1 .. 99999 ] |
shippingCategory | integer |
date | string |
weblink | string |
{- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
Get single book
bookId required | integer <int32> >= 0 Example: 1 id of book |
string Enum: "bookId" "bookNumber" Type of id |
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
Patch single book
bookId required | integer <int32> >= 0 Example: 1 id of book |
Add book response body
bookNumber | integer |
location | string |
amount | integer |
category1 | string Enum: "overig diverse" "detectives" "geschiedenis" "hobby" "kinderboeken" "literatuur" "literaire thriller" "psychologische thriller" "kunst" "romans" "jeugdroman" "science fiction fantasy" "strips" "studieboeken" "topografie" "toneel" |
category2 | string |
category3 | string |
language | string |
author | string |
title | string |
publisher | string |
ean | number |
shortDescription | string |
longDescription | string |
price | number <float> [ 0 .. 99999 ] |
shippingCost | number <float> [ -1 .. 99999 ] |
shippingCategory | integer |
date | string |
weblink | string |
{- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "bookNumber": 213124124124,
- "location": "bw-doos 5",
- "amount": 4,
- "category1": "detectives",
- "category2": "horror",
- "category3": "avontuurlijk",
- "language": "NL",
- "author": "Beatles, The",
- "title": "Let It Be",
- "publisher": "string",
- "ean": 1234567891234,
- "shortDescription": "This is a short description",
- "longDescription": "This is a long description, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
- "price": 10.99,
- "shippingCost": 6.99,
- "shippingCategory": 1,
- "date": "2023-05-22 11:45:22",
Upload image (jpeg/png)
bookId required | integer <int32> >= 0 Example: 1 id of book |
{- "status": 201,
- "data": { }
Upload image url
bookId required | integer <int32> >= 0 Example: 1 id of book |
url | string |
{- "url": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "data": { }
Retrieves all packages
page | number >= 0 Example: page=1 Page number |
{- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "operator": "Dpd",
- "packageID": "string",
- "type": "SMALL",
- "name": "Hans Pieterson",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
}, - "weight": 500,
- "addressType": "P",
- "email": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+31612345678",
- "orderId": 4006,
- "rate": "2500",
- "shopId": "2224234"
Posts new package (all types)
operator required | string Enum: "PostNL" "Dpd" "DHL" "MondialRelay" |
packageID | string |
type required | string Enum: "STANDARD" "MAILBOX" "SMALL" |
name | string |
required | object (Address) |
weight | number |
addressType | string Enum: "P" "B" |
string | |
phoneNumber | string |
orderId | integer |
rate | string |
shopId | string |
{- "operator": "Dpd",
- "packageID": "string",
- "type": "SMALL",
- "name": "Hans Pieterson",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
}, - "weight": 500,
- "addressType": "P",
- "email": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+31612345678",
- "orderId": 4006,
- "rate": "2500",
- "shopId": "2224234"
{- "status": 201,
- "data": { }
Get package by ID
id required | string |
{- "operator": "Dpd",
- "packageID": "string",
- "type": "SMALL",
- "name": "Hans Pieterson",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
}, - "weight": 500,
- "addressType": "P",
- "email": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+31612345678",
- "orderId": 4006,
- "rate": "2500",
- "shopId": "2224234"
{ "PostNLList": [ { "country": "string", "parcelLetter": "string", "shipping": "string", "shop": "string" } ], "dpdList": [ { "country": "string", "parcelLetter": "string", "shipping": "string", "shop": "string" } ], "dhlList": [ { "country": "string", "parcelLetter": "string", "shipping": "string", "shop": "string" } ], "mondialMainList": [ { "country": "string", "parcelLetter": "string", "shop1kg": "string", "shop3kg": "string", "shop5kg": "string", "shop7kg": "string", "shop10kg": "string" } ], "mondialWeightList": [ { "country": "string", "parcelLetter": "string", "shop1kg": "string", "shop3kg": "string", "shop5kg": "string", "shop7kg": "string", "shop10kg": "string" } ], "peakSurchargePackages": 0, "peakSurchargeLetterboxParcels": 0 }
Post Package rate
operator required | string Enum: "PostNL" "Dpd" "DHL" "MondialRelay" |
packageID | string |
type required | string Enum: "STANDARD" "MAILBOX" "SMALL" |
name | string |
required | object (Address) |
weight | number |
addressType | string Enum: "P" "B" |
string | |
phoneNumber | string |
orderId | integer |
rate | string |
shopId | string |
{- "operator": "Dpd",
- "packageID": "string",
- "type": "SMALL",
- "name": "Hans Pieterson",
- "address": {
- "street": "Straat",
- "number": "12",
- "numberExtra": "A",
- "zipCode": "7654AA",
- "city": "Nijverdal",
- "country": "nl",
- "company": "Bedrijf BV"
}, - "weight": 500,
- "addressType": "P",
- "email": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+31612345678",
- "orderId": 4006,
- "rate": "2500",
- "shopId": "2224234"
{ "DHL": { "normal": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "parcel": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "shop": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "small": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 } }, "PostNL": { "normal": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "parcel": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "shop": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "small": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 } }, "Dpd": { "normal": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "parcel": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "shop": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "small": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 } }, "MondialRelay": { "normal": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "parcel": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "shop": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 }, "small": { "NL": 0, "BE": 0, "DK": 0, "DE": 0, "FR": 0, "IT": 0, "LU": 0, "AT": 0, "PL": 0, "PT": 0, "ES": 0, "MC": 0, "NO": 0, "CA": 0, "CH": 0, "CZ": 0, "SE": 0 } } }
Create a payment link
title | string |
amount | integer |
firstname | string |
lastName | string |
shippingcosts | integer |
availability | integer |
singleIDs | string |
{- "title": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "firstname": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "shippingcosts": 0,
- "availability": 0,
- "singleIDs": "string"
{- "data": "string"